
Future Rust

Foals, where do I even start. I love you. There's something about the way Yannis Philippak's vocals mingle with such brilliant guitar riffs, all sitting perfectly on top of the most haunting ambiance ever that I could listen to over and over and over again this isn't a run-on sentence okay. Plus, he's pretty badass for breaking up a fist fight between The Sex Pistols and Bloc Party, circa 2008.

The best things in life really do come from England.




A sneak peek of a new collection I'm starting to work on. (Interesting fact; terrible scan quality and even worse editing can turn out to look quite creditable).

Laziness persists.



Caroline Blomst (an established fashion blogger from Stockholm) lives THE most incredible life. She gets paid to style and photograph insanely beautiful humans and clothing, write about things she loves, and has the most brilliant closet known to man. 

If she's found dead one day, I most definitely did not take her balenciaga moto jacket- if it were to... coincidently disappear. 

Here are a few photos from her blog



Paint it Orange

It seems i've been temporarily distracted from posting recently, seeing as I no longer have free time (or a life at all, for that matter)#fulltimejob #whitegirlproblems


And it's September.
September calls for incredible scarves, chai tea, potential nicotine relapses and a whole lot of new music which I'll share in another post.

Until then, my follower!